Circle of Life Society: Creating a Wildlife Legacy for Future Generations

What is the Circle of Life Society?

The Minnesota Zoo’s Circle of Life Society honors and thanks individuals today for the support they will provide in the future through their estates or other planned gifts. This long-term support has helped us improve Zoo exhibits and facilities while supporting conservation and education activities around the world. As a member of the Circle of Life Society, your gifts sustain and strengthen the Zoo for future generations!

If you would like more information about the Circle of Life Society or have already remembered the Minnesota Zoo in your estate plans, please contact Office of Planned Giving at 952.431.9237 or

Circle of Life Society Benefits

The Minnesota Zoo provides Circle of Life Society members benefits and recognition in appreciation for your future gifts:

  • Inclusion in the Minnesota Zoo annual report and on the Zoo’s donor wall
  • Invitations to special Zoo events, including the Director’s Reception, the Circle of Life Society annual event, and exhibit previews and openings.

Donor benefits are subject to change without notice, may not be exchanged, and have no monetary value. The COVID-19 pandemic may impact delivery of donor benefits.

Download our Circle of Life Society brochure.

Free Estate Planning Tool

Join fellow the Zoo supporters on Giving Docs, a safe, secure and free-for-life suite of estate plan essentials. If you choose to include the Zoo in your estate plans, you'll be eligible for the Circle of Life Society benefits!

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